Mar 6, 1988


I wonder what would have happened had we not taken refuge in the coal cellar that fateful night!

Dear Ron,

Our eyelids start to flutter at the sun and brilliant clear blue sky as we come out of our winter hibernation and realize that spring is just around the corner. And I am looking forward to planting and rearranging the garden. And to take Michael for swimming lessons at the local aquatic centre. 

By the look at the photos that Barbara sent us you all had a great time and Christmas reunion in Jersey. We wouldn’t have minded being there with you all. Maybe sometime in the future when our children are bigger. But in warmer climates such as Canary islands.

Watching the Eastenders opening graphic on T.V. (an aerial shot of the dock area in London) I couldn’t help noticing that right on top of the horseshoe part of the Thames and just above the India docks and Blackwall tunnel is Poplar and Dads birthplace, Bromley Hall Rd. I checked it out last time in London. Although, I guess with the pounding that area took during the blitz, Bromley Hall Rd is now non existent. But it is still on the street Atlas of London which Tom gave me. 

By the way Ron, do you happen to know or could you find out the actual date that we got bombed out. And who we stayed with during the day and which tube station we slept on at night? I seem to remember spending my seventh birthday at the flat. After the events at that period has made me curious. I notice that our house according to photos I took on my last visit is the last house on the block. Unless I am wrong, my recollection is that there was another house between us and the corner garage. And a bomb made a big crater in the garage. I also remember before we got hit how dad and you guys were constantly back and forth from under the sidewalk coal cellar to the back garden carrying buckets of earth and reinforcing the ceiling of the cellar. And no sooner had we moved into the cellar, we got hit. Before that we would lay in deck chairs in Mrs. Gregory’s basement during the air raids. I wonder what would have happened had we not taken refuge in the coal cellar that fateful night!

could you find out the actual date that we got bombed out? …and which tube station we slept on at night?

Anyways coming back to more peaceful times. At least for us all, our two little boys are coming along fine and are quite entertaining. Josie just bought Michael a toy guitar (he even sleeps with it!)

I’m hoping that sometime in the future we will be able to buy a Chrysler mini van (something like a modern station wagon). A family auto-mobile that when the children are bigger we will be able to make long trips down to Mexico in comfort. But it will have to be automatic shift so Josie and I can take turns driving. Right now Josie has an automatic shift Ford Mustang and I a standard shift Volkswagen Rabbit.

And again in the future we want to make an extension of the house behind the garage, an extra room with sundeck and sliding door windows, which I hope will be our room (Josie’s & mine) and the children take over the others.

But all this costs money and Rome was not built in a day! But these prospects are practical and exciting, we just have to save up the money.

My work at CBC is very exciting and is beamed graphically coast to coast and in parts of the U.S. I am now top salary and the corporation is very pleased with my work.

So dear Ron, Irene, Diane and David take care of yourselves. If we can we will try and come over after this year and introduce you to your new nephews and have a shandy at Black Boys!

Love to all

Dave, Josie, Mike & Alex


My work at CBC is very exciting and is beamed graphically coast to coast and in parts of the U.S. I am now top salary and the corporation is very pleased with my work.


Mar 6, 1974


Oct 30, 1988