Feb 18, 1961
Dear Tom,
I am very sorry to hear about mums condition. After all these years I can never recall her ever really being sick or even going to hospital. It is quite a shock. I will come home for a while and will also ship home my car. I think I have just enough money for my car and my own fare. Because I am practically broke. I will freelance in London for a couple of months and maybe return here or go to Paris later.
I was thinking of selling my car but I will loose $1,300 on it, depreciation. I won’t be able to sell it in England because I will have to pay all the duty and purchase tax on it. And freelancing I will need it. I will have to get work right away my job is payed off here because work is very slack.
I will come by boat because the fare is cheaper. I will probably drive to New York and depart from there.
I will be leaving as soon as possible I will work next week because I am paid up until then. And I certainly need the money. Please note change in address because I am moving in with a buddy of mine because I can’t afford to pay my rent seeing as I will need so much for fare for me and the car.
Be seeing you all,