April 3, 1961

Catskill, New York

Dear Tom,

I have just spent a wonderful easter in the Catskill mountains N.Y. at the country home of Hermann & Brigitte Zube. They have made me very welcome here. And Fred the brother of Brigitte is here with his wife & baby. They came for easter from Toronto in their Volkswagen. So when my car arrives I will drive up to Toronto with them. The Atlantic has been very rough and the ship with my car has been delayed.

However would you send my suitcase to Hansi’s address in Toronto. I take it my trunk & package are already on their way back to Toronto and are insured because of all my photographs and other valuables I have in there. Don’t worry about the tube-package, you can send that later. I’d appreciate very much if you take care of these things for me Tom.

Regards, Dave


Feb 18, 1961


Apr 10, 1961