Feb 19, 1974


The world with all it’s problems is still in parts a beautiful place, and I treasure my life and am thankful for it, and it gives me the opportunity while I still have the urge to discover a little bit more.

Dear Tom,

A lot of water has passed under the bridge since I last heard from you. I know I never get letters from any of my brothers except you Tom. And I realize that I do not write too often, but at least from time to time I do write to let you know what I am up to. I do not know if you have all forgotten me or maybe you have some reason for not writing me.

However I will be in Mexico until the end of March and then I shall be leaving for Brazil in search of a new life or at least to check out what’s cooking work-wise, life-wise etc. I have always wanted and been curious to see South America and I think Brazil should be very interesting. 

It’s not as easy uprooting oneself moving to other countries learning new languages, new customs, pounding the sidewalks in strange cities looking for work and trying to get working papers etc. Don’t ask me why I do it, sometimes I don’t know myself. But I am a curious fellow and the world with all its problems is still in some parts, a beautiful place and I treasure my life and am thankful for it, and it gives me the opportunity while I still have the urge to discover a little bit more. If I had the money I would like to make a trip around the world, so many beautiful places to see, so many beautiful people to meet.

Well I am very excited about seeing Brazil that giant of a country and visiting Salvador Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and making a trip along the Amazon to Peru. And look for work either in Rio de Janiero or Sao Paulo.

I shall be leaving for Brazil in search of a new life or at least to check out what’s cooking work-wise, life-wise etc.

I have read a lot about the crisis in England and the three day work week (knowing the English I would imagine they would be very pleased with such a situation) But I hope you all are not too affected and that your lives are running as smoothly as ever.

I must admit that my sympathy is with the miners, a very unhealthy, hazardous and dangerous job and  they get about the equivalent of 65 dollars a week. That kind of wage is an insult for the lousy job they have to do. Why don’t the people wake up and fire the royal family and the rest of the chinless wanders and distribute their annual salaries to the worthy workers on he nationalized institutions like the poor coal minors for instance. How much longer will the English people stand for this pompous royal soap opera. Why don’t they turn Buckingham palace into a museum, sack the royal family and the flunkys, ladys of the bedchamber and all that shit, let them keep the money that they stole from the British taxpayer and use the money that they receive annually for worthy causes like hospitals, schools etc.

But the english, I don’t know about the Scots or Welsh or Irish, but it seems the english don’t mind being old fashioned and having one crisis after another and this one is very serious I hear.

I wrote you a letter I guess a month and a half ago. I have had no reply. I hope you are well and happy. I am very well and fit, don’t make and do my push ups and exercises every morning. Its good to keep oneself in shape, one feels better. And I swim whenever I can and of course the Mexican climate is just great for that.

Its been 16 years since I left the old sod and I hope it wont be too long before I make a little bread and can make a trip to dear old London and knock back a few pints at the local.

Meanwhile I will be doing the Samba in Rio de Janeiro and swimming at panama how does that grab you!

So love to all my brothers, wives, mistresses, children etc and so forth and so fifth.

Write soon   [drawing of cactus man pointing to rio sign]

love David

and of course my best for Joan.


Jan 6, 1973


Mar 6, 1974