Aug 23, 1961

Toronto, CA

through our protests and fighting , we changed a law in Ontario that party’s can’t be raided anymore and participants can’t be thrown in jail.

Dear Tom,

Forgive me for not writing you sooner, but you know how it is. I hope you have patience with me as to regards of what I owe you. But business has been slow. Although all the work I do are the best type of jobs I have ever got. I have just finished another story illustration for the Toronto Star Weekly. I also have one in this weeks star. I’ll send one home to you so you can see the type of work I am doing.

I hope shortly to be getting some money from my lawyer, about a minor accident I had in my car last year. So I will be sending it to you.

A few weeks ago I was at a party with all my friends including Hansi. Well the cops raided the party and herded us all off in paddy wagons to jail. And charged the host with bootlegging and permitting drunkenness of his premises. These charges I might add are completely untrue. As you will see by the news clipping I am enclosing. One of the clippings is by star columnist of Toronto Daily Star Pierre Berton. Berton has done a lot of good in Toronto by exposing rackets and other various things that has cheated the public.

However this was on a Saturday night and after we spent the night in separate cells, they then transferred us to the Don jail which is a permanent jail for hardened criminals. We were told we would have to stay there until appearing in court Monday morning, unless we had ready cash to put up bail. My bail was $25 as a found in. But I didn’t have any cash on me. Hansi managed to phone his brother from the other jail before we got transferred. So with Hansi’s brother and a host of other friends who came to our rescue to bail us out late Sunday afternoon.

There were twenty two of us in jail…We got a lawyer and won our case and threw a victory party…and invited Pierre Berton to come and hear our story.

There were twenty two of us in jail including some of our girl friends. We got a lawyer and won our case and threw a victory party at ‘Steve’s’ jazz club (Steve is a Romanian friend of mine and runs a jazz club, in which I work with Hansi operating the expresso machine at weekends.) and invited Pierre Berton to come and hear our story. He was all for it. Pierre Berton as I have already said is a big shot columnist in Toronto and all Canada. Anyhow this story has hit the headlines and was the talk of the town the way we were treated. We are now toying with the idea of suing the police.

So through our protests and fighting our case we have changed a law in Ontario that party’s are not to be raided anymore and the participants are not to be thrown in jail.

I must finish this letter now because I have no more paper.

I’ll write again soon.

P.S. Please note change of address.

All the best,


Jul 11, 1961


Oct 2, 1961