July 11, 1961

Toronto, CA

I am not exactly making a mint of money right now, but the future looks bright.

Dear Tom,

Here’s a few lines to let you know I’m still going along fine. And thank you very much for your letter & forgive me for being such a long time in answering. At the end of this month I hope to be sending you another cheque. I know I’m not sending you enough as I would like to. But please don’t think I am spending all my money and neglecting the debt I owe you. But I am not exactly making a mint of money right now, but the future looks bright.

I have just got a job from Toronto Star Weekly to exclusively illustrate an article on the opening of the the ‘mosport’ sports grand prix race circuit here in Ontario. I covered the race by taking reels of shots of the race which included pass to the pits and I had to make dozens of shots of the winner Stirling Moss. Who I have had the privilege of watching him win twice here at ‘Mosport’ which was his first race in Canada and last year in New York State. He’s terrific and such a friendly person to speak to. 

Really, you know Tom these last few years I have branched out and are a good lift for me. And with this assignment I felt quite a big shot! But I brag only to you, because over here it’s nothing. The quote on this job is only $250 of which I get 60%. In between I get other odd illustrations. I just did another story illustration for Toronto Star and now am working on ‘Mosport’ job.

Tom, please have patience with me about my debt and promise to pay you as soon as I possibly can and with interest because you really helped me. I’ll write more later.


PS. Tell Ron I’ll write him and I am proud he named his son after me.

the race which included pass to the pits and I had to make dozens of shots of the winner Stirling Moss.


May 8, 1962


Aug 23, 1961