May 8, 1961
I have also learnt chess which is terrific for ones thinking. Because with chess one always has to think a couple of moves ahead.
Dear Tom,
Just been to Rowanwood and picked up your letter. Also another Esso bill!
Tom I am very sorry to hear about Lena, I had no idea of the serious condition she is in. When you said she had been knocked down by a dog, I didn’t think it would be so serious. I realize this must have been quite a shock to you especially after the shock we all had with mum. And you being so close with mum and Lena, it must be very hard on you these days. But let’s hope it’s not as bad as they think and she will soon be up and about again.
By the way when you see Ron tell him that the last letter he wrote arrived after I had left Toronto and I got it when I arrived back here along with some other mail.
Please note my new address, I have got a very nice apartment with a large veranda, also a kitchen with fridge & phone with a long cord so I can carry the phone out on the veranda. Because now the weather is warm Gerti and I eat out on the veranda which overlooks the street.
& I’ve got a phone with a long cord so I can carry the phone out on the veranda
Last week Gerti and I and Hansi & his girlfriend went swimming at the university indoor swimbath which is great fun. Also we play tennis a lot now which is terrific exercise. Tennis is a game I didn’t play in England and I must say I missed out on something, because it’s a terrific game. Right now my muscles ache through swinging that racket. I have also learnt chess which is terrific for ones thinking. Because with chess one always has to think a couple of moves ahead.
I hope you are all managing well at home there. And I hope Ted is eating breakfast. Because I’m sure if I had to start riding a bicycle with all that heavy copper first thing in the morning I would collapse!
Well Tom that’s about it for now, except I am very well and my car goes good too.
When you see Lena please give her my best regards and hope she gets well soon.
As ever,